APA Style

742010116188, S. (). TINJAUAN YURIDIS KESALAHAN PERHITUNGAN NILAI OBJEK JAMINAN DALAM PERJANJIAN KREADIT (Studi Kasus Putusan MA Nomor:2581 K/Pdt/2019)The purposeof this sereach is to find out the credit agreement that has been made with an error in calculating the value off the collateral object is categorized as a legal flawed agreement and to now the legal considerations off the supreme court judge in the decision Number: 2581 K/Pdt/2019 on the creadit agreement that has been made white an error in calculating the value of the object guarantee.2020vii,110 . : .

MLA Style

742010116188, SUHARLIANA. "TINJAUAN YURIDIS KESALAHAN PERHITUNGAN NILAI OBJEK JAMINAN DALAM PERJANJIAN KREADIT (Studi Kasus Putusan MA Nomor:2581 K/Pdt/2019)The purposeof this sereach is to find out the credit agreement that has been made with an error in calculating the value off the collateral object is categorized as a legal flawed agreement and to now the legal considerations off the supreme court judge in the decision Number: 2581 K/Pdt/2019 on the creadit agreement that has been made white an error in calculating the value of the object guarantee.2020vii,110". : , . Text.